We believe all workers deserve to experience worker power, solidarity, visibility, and healthy lives.

Through organizing, policy advocacy, capacity building, and services, the Los Angeles Worker Center Network builds upon over a decade of coordinated activities among the region’s worker centers to improve conditions in key low-wage industries.

We leverage worker centers’ combined strengths, membership base, and industry expertise to bolster the organizing and leadership of workers.

Our Members

CLEAN Carwash Worker Center
Garment Worker Center
Koreatown Immigrant Worker Alliance
Los Angeles Black Worker Center
Pilipino Worker Center
Warehouse Worker Resource Center
UCLA Labor Center
Bet Tzedek Legal Services


We build power and develop worker leadership by organizing with Black, immigrant, and refugee workers and other workers of color in the Los Angeles region.

What We Do

From grassroots organizing to strategic advocacy at the city, county, and state level, we strive to advance worker leadership and grow the capacity of local worker centers.


Learn more about our network’s role in stopping wage theft and championing policy initiatives designed to improve the lives of workers.

Resources for Workers

Looking to file a claim, learn more about your rights at the workplace, or gain access to legal resources? Visit our Resource for Workers page.

What’s New



We will only email you periodically with important updates about our work, including upcoming events, actions, and job opportunities. 

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Upcoming Events


Join the movement for change!

Together, we can dismantle injustice, amplify worker voices, and build a future rooted in equality and wellbeing for all.

Make a powerful impact in the fight for a more fair and inclusive world! Learn more about our ongoing campaigns and take action:

Support the FABRIC Act to Protect Garment Workers

Take a stand to end wage theft in the U.S. clothing industry and support responsible business!

Support SB 227: A Safety Net for All California Workers

SB 227 would create the first-ever Excluded Worker Program in California, to ensure that every worker family has a financial safety net.

Support SB 497: Equal Pay & Anti-Retaliation Act

No worker should worry about being fired, bullied, or intimidated for simply demanding safety and dignity on the job.

Protect Investments in Worker Outreach in California!

We demand California continue investing in CWOP—a highly effective program that empowers workers in low-wage industries.


Wage Theft & Homelessness

Concept Paper: Labor Standards Enforcement Paves the Way for a New LA

The dual crisis of homelessness and wage theft is particularly acute in Los Angeles. Wage theft dramatically compounds the risk of housing insecurity and homelessness for Angelenos, particularly those of color, women, and immigrants.

In our newest concept paper, we propose changes to lead the way toward a “New LA,” where residents can afford dignified housing, high-road employers play a valued role in the local economy while violators face strict penalties, and government agencies cut red tape facing victims of labor violations.